"A person with an Idea is better than thousands who have only opinions "

 Raising issues may be good but trying to bring solutions is 1000 times more praiseworthy and only doable thing to consider. We may not do everything or it may not be in our capabilities or authority. Persons with authority and capability may not be contributing as desired. why talking all the time for such issues where we can not bring any change even if we want ??? is only talking about negetive things going to bring any good change ?? our talking will not bother anybody instead we will get into negative mindsets. let us contribute our bit where we can , where our smallest contribution can bring positive difference. Contributing positively is better than sitting , talking , and doing nothing. you may not clean whole of country but who can stop you cleaning your home ?? 

           if we can not build a powerhouse, let us lit up a candle it is very much in our reach . I can tell with my experience this thinking charges you positively , avoids frustration and you will be able to contribute consistently and continually.


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