International Dog Day: Who started it ? - 10 Facts about dogs to know


International Dog Day is marked on August 26 every year to celebrate the contribution of dogs to our daily lives. While people might hate or love dogs, nobody can deny their existence and contribution to mankind.

A dog is considered a human's best friend. There are infinite quotes, facts and stories about dogs that you might know. Here are some of the amazing facts, history and how it is celebrated in the world.

International Dog Day: Who started it?

In 2004, Collen Paige, an author, dog trainer and conservationist started this campaign in the support of Animal welfare advocacy and the pet lifestyle.

August 26 was decided as International Dog Day as it was Paige's family adopted Shelti(dog) who was 10 years old.

International Dog Day: How is it observed?

International Dog Day is dedicated to celebrating the compassion of love for dogs by humans across the world. While dogs might not be treated well in India, the United States of America observe it gleefully.

In 2013, it was adopted and recognized as a national holiday. Later on, other nations also started celebrating it officially by feeding dogs, sheltering them and grooming them.

10 Facts:

1. Their sense of smell is at least 40x better than ours

2. Some have such good noses they can sniff out medical problems

3. Dogs can sniff at the same time as breathing

4. Some dogs are incredible swimmers

5. Some are fast and could even beat a cheetah!

6. Dogs don’t sweat like we do

7. Your dog could be left or right-pawed

8. Along with their noses, their hearing is super sensitive

9. Dogs have 18 muscles controlling their ears

10. Dogs are about as intelligent as a two-year-old


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